
SKA has finalised Superkart category pitting allocations based on prior groupings and entrant requests. Thanks guys for your great cooperation with this process.

You can print a QR Superkart Marquee Allocations map from the SKA website ‘Events’ ‘Round 2 QR ’ page http://www.superkartsaustralia.org/round2-qld-raceway.php , which shows your position and the respective amount to pay to SKA either prior by eft or on arrival.

It is important from an event safety, organisational and insurance perspective to pit at your allocated position where you can be located.

SKA is arranging with Shannons to reserve the area opposite the Superkart Pits for superkart trailer parking for your convenience. In consideration of fellow competitors please park up and occupy only the area as close to directly opposite your marquee bay.

The marquee is fully covered with power facility, however you may bring flooring, power leads etc to assist.

Preliminary event logistics indicates a sign-in Compulsory Superkart Drivers Briefing at 9.30am Saturday Aug 11th.

Further Regulations are due to be published when received as approved from Shannons.

DINNER FUNCTION reminder: Many teams have booked their place at the Saturday night Gala Dinner at The Country Comfort Inn, Ipswich. There will be a few give-aways and 3 course dinner. The cost is $40 per adult, $20 per child, to be paid via eft to SKA account prior to the night. Bookings NEED TO BE IN by next Tuesday 7th August. Please make sure you contact Clint Brown on clintbrown66@hotmail.com with your booking and names of invitees by that date. Last year was fantastic and we hope to see you all there!

Phil Silcock SKA.