
A truly fine great finale to ASKC 2015

Round 2 at Phillip Island was run in glorious racing weather and the competition in all classes was simply fantastic. Shannons Nationals personnel and other categories marvel at our racing and category presence, so we can all be proud of the 2015 events in all regards.


Hats off to the Team

For the 2015 Series successful running, I must congratulate my fellow Superkarts Australia director team of Anton Stevens, Mark Hanson, and Clint Brown, and the events management coordinator Pam Pegoraro who works closely with us throughout to ensure the great race event outcomes for our members. As well I must pay appreciation for the efforts of our DSO’s Graeme Williams and Matt Wark, and Barbara Hepworth whom assists Pam and Pam’s team of assistants who really make a huge difference to these events running like clockwork. Pam marshals a great bunch of committed and seemingly tireless helpers including daughters Belinda and Susan, Meno and Brendan Luneman, among others. Our media guys Mark Jones and Tyler Williams do us proud with social media and reporting.  Special mention must go to people like Jason Smith who does our printing and produces the quirky cover ‘theme’ of each round for us, and Scott Williams who manages to support us looking great as a category with signage and decaling even after getting no less than three competitive machines on-track!  To you all, very well done and on behalf of Competitors, thank you sincerely for everything you do so well!


The Saturday night social function was a lot of fun, and the camaraderie in the paddock with everyone ready to share knowledge and parts to help others and the enjoyable atmosphere sets these events as very special.  To competitors, your thrilling racing, discipline and good conduct was noted with appreciation by meeting officials, and our category organisation is seen as something other categories should copy aspects of.


Sponsors and Supporters make it happen

I also have to make note of the Championship sponsors, without their generous support the Championships wouldn’t be the success and enjoyment they have been. Rockpress Metal Fabrications and Coach Design Bus,Coach and 4x4 Motorhomes builders have been Naming Rights funding sponsors for a time now, making it possible to maintain to the high standards we set.  They along with our other funding sponsors – L&J Custom Kitchens, and Denture Professionals, along with contributors Zahl 1 Karting, GioVa Design, and Slipstream Race Grafix come together to ensure competitors enjoy a very high standard race event.


Memorable results

The 2015 Championship Series results are detailed in full elsewhere on our website, and we can be proud of the achievements of this years’ Australian Superkart Champions, Russell Jamieson in 250 International, Jordan Ford in 250 National, and Mark Robin in 125 National. Racing in the classes was classic and enthralling to observe, and showed well on ITV streaming to a global audience. To the runners up, our respect and commiserations for the things that went wrong, but without your strong efforts pushing each other’s limits our brand of racing wouldn’t be scintillating spectacle that amazes onlookers. Well done all drivers and teams!


Its not without an element of risk

Superkart as a sport has an intensely competitive spirit, and yet shows a quite compassionate side when needed. That came after our race three 125 National accident where Adam Stewart #39 and Chris Nolan #48 were involved at a race start turn one incident. This heavy crash injured both Adam and Chris and severely damaged both vehicles. The paddock was abuzz with deep concern for the drivers, and their crew and partners were well supported by fellow teams, and in unfortunate circumstances it’s great to see that side of our sport. Adam returned to the paddock after medical assessment, and has apparently suffered only bruising, sore ribs, and those aches that will come out after a time. Chris’s injury is more severe and has an immediately apparent leg fracture, and was very well attended to by circuit medical, and transported to hospital for treatment. My numerous contacts with Chris and Sandy his wife since are good reports that Chris is in both good spirits, and received excellent treatment with his leg bone pinned and amazingly is up from bed for short periods and putting weight on it as necessary with this type of treatment. Chris assures me his intention is to return to superkart racing as soon as he is able to.


Looking to the future

There is a measure of sadness that 2015 may well be the last CAMS Australian Superkart Championships run for some time – but never say never again, and Superkarts Australia is proud of our tenure of running it for the last eight years. The many approaches from competitors and their crews shows they want a championship in pretty much the same format to continue if possible, and an unmistakable resolve to preserve the special nature of these events. Superkarts Australia cannot make a definitive announcement just yet on 2016 arrangements, and we can only say that a number of options for a continuing Championship are being pursued on your behalf, and will be announced when finalised over coming months.


Enjoy these Winning images

250International Australian Championship

250National Australian Championship

125National Australian Championship


250International R2PhillipIsland

250National R2PhillipIsland

125National R2PhillipIsland


In addition to these, local photographer Jim Jones from Jamar Imaging Sports Photography has some 2015 PI images for view at our Media webpage tab and this link   

Regards, Phil Silcock, on behalf of your SKA Team